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How to discover Vitamin D and all the benefits

Vitamin D has been a prominent force in the supplement business for a while now. You may have read many articles or sales pitches on ensuring you get enough.

vitamin d

Six essential factors that influence your Vitamin D levels:

(according to Harvard Health)

Where you live, the further away from the Equator, the less vitamin D–producing UVB light reaches the earth’s surface during the winter months. We are also covered with a lot of clothing, and the days are shorter, limiting our UVB exposure.

Air quality. Vitamin D production is diminished by the UVB rays absorbed by the carbon particles in the air from burning fossil fuels, wood, and other materials.

Use of sunscreen. Using sunscreen will help in preventing you from getting sunburn; doing so blocks UVB light.

Skin color. The darker your skin, the more Melanin, which contends for UVB; dark-skinned people tend to require more UVB exposure than light-skinned people to generate the same amount of vitamin D.

Weight. Again who knew that body fat grabs vitamin D, storing it away for a rainy day? We understand how our fat is a storage area.

Age. Oh great, another factor you cannot control, we don’t get younger. Older people have lower levels of the substance in the skin that has UVB light being converted into the vitamin D precursor.

So when we do manage to get the right amount of Vitamin D, We improve the health of:

  • Bones and Teeth

  • Heart and Circulatory System

  • Nervous System

Where to get your Vitamin D?

Bonus! Your body makes vitamin D when sunlight hits the skin.

You can also get vitamin D from your food or supplement.

You are getting your Vitamin D from Foods: Salmon, Tuna, and Sardines. Vitamin D is added (fortified food) to Milk, Orange Juice, Margarine, and some breakfast cereals.

Taking a supplement: There is still a debate on supplements, and you will find much back-and-forth advice on the amount, the real need, and even the real effects of a supplement. When adding a supplement, always talk to your doctor first. Taking a Vitamin D supplement may give you peace of mind. The amount of vitamin D recommended by the Institute of Medicine is 600 IU of vitamin D a day for everyone ages 1 to 70800 IU of vitamin D a day for those 71 and older. If you rarely get out in the sun or just are not too sure you are getting 600 to 800 IU of vitamin D per day, you might want to take a supplement that contains 400 to 1,000 IU; this is safe and inexpensive insurance.

When you get too little Vitamin D you may experience:

  1. #Diarrhea

  2. #Insomnia

  3. Nervousness

  4. Muscle twitching

  5. Bone weakness

When you get the right amount of Vitamin D:

  1. Better calcium absorption

  2. Better mood

  3. Helps with #hormones

  4. Stronger Immune system

  5. Lowers blood pressure

Get your D, and have an awesome happy day!


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