Hot, sexy, steamy, erotic, romantic...are these the words you would use for your sex life?
Wet, sweaty, hard, exotic...are these the words you would use for your sex life?
Dark, cozy, normal, over.....are these the words that you would use for your sex life?
Oh, the tales we could tell with just a few words. When looking into your bedroom, are things always changing, or exciting, or have they become more of a habit, a ritual, or a job?

You may have heard this from yourself or friends, that life has got in the way of sexual interactions... too busy, too tired, on the road, a lot, stressed out, kids are always up, schedules don't match, and maybe a hundred more.
Sex is a part of life, not an outside realm from it.
Just like doing the dishes, watching TV, going to work, and having sex.
Just hopefully more sexy and naked than the other things you do.
If you are planning on starting a workout program. If you plan on spending more time with your spouse. If you plan on taking up a hobby to relieve stress. The answer is in front of you, don't just "make" time for sex.

Whatever you want to call it...have sex, do sex, make sex, be sex, etc.
It is a part of human nature, and it is healthy for you and good for you.
Don't put it on the back burner of life anymore.
So here is the point of this sex talk from above.
Health benefits of sexual intercourse or activity:
Sex relieves headaches. A lovemaking session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.
Sex can improve your cardiovascular health (love makes the heart stronger)
Sex can improve your sleep (not during though)
Sex provides the benefits of exercise. (Better than the gym with stinky sweaty people, unless that is what you are into)
Sex helps ease pain (stimulation and orgasm leading to the release of corticosteroids and endorphins that increase our pain thresholds, no more excuses than I guess)
Sex can improve mood and decrease depression. (Always a happy ending)
Sex can relieve stress (reaching orgasm as the ultimate release)
That's my brief promotion of sex. Imagine a world without sexual frustration—it would be quite pleasant. In my opinion, it's worth considering that having more sex could boost your health. What more could you want?