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"Unraveling the Mystery: A Comprehensive Guide to Protein, Carbs, and Fats"

Macronutrients have been a hot topic in the news for some time. Excellent guidance is widely available on eating more or less, losing weight by monitoring carbohydrates, increasing fat intake, and ensuring sufficient protein consumption…

healthy eating

What does it all mean?

Let’s break down the Macronutrients into what they are and how they work within the body for a healthier you.



What are Carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are a diverse group of compounds produced mainly by plants: dietary fiber, starches, and simple sugars.

Complex carbohydrates provide riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, folate, iron, protein, magnesium, and fiber. Grains, fruits, and vegetables are examples of Carbohydrates.

Your diet should include 45-65% of carbohydrates daily for a balanced diet.

Carbohydrates are our primary energy source, and our brain needs the glucose they provide. Glucose, also called “blood sugar,” is the most abundant carbohydrate in the body. The primary function of glucose is to provide energy to cells.

What type of Carbohydrates to eat?

Not all carbohydrates have the same effect on blood glucose levels. Some foods cause blood glucose levels to rise quickly and remain elevated, while others do not. The glycemic index is the rating system for the magnitude and duration of the rise in blood glucose. The reference is set at 100, reflecting a rapid and significant rise in blood glucose after consumption.

Foods with glycemic indices significant than 70 (e.g., Bagels, are considered high GI foods. Using the GI food reference can help make healthier carbohydrate choices. Eating many high GI foods can harm your health by pushing the body to extremes. Foods with lower GI’s are associated with a lower risk of developing diseases. This is especially true for people who are overweight and sedentary. Eating mainly low GI carbohydrates that slowly filter glucose into your bloodstream keeps your energy levels balanced, allowing you to feel fuller for longer between meals.

Other benefits of eating low GI foods include: helping in losing and managing weight, increasing the body’s sensitivity to insulin, improving diabetes management; reducing the risk of heart disease; improving blood cholesterol levels; prolonging physical endurance; and, and helping to refuel carbohydrate stores after exercise.

The high end of GI – Fruit drinks, bagels, white bread, Sugar, White rice, Milk 2%, deli meats

Generally high sugar and high-fat foods. (simple carbohydrates)

The lower end of GI – Beans, Skim milk, Oat bran, almonds


Proteins perform four primary functions in the body: they serve as a structural material in muscle, tissue, organs, and blood; they serve as the component for enzymes, hormones, and other chemicals; they maintain and repair tissues; and they serve as an energy source.

Nearly half of the protein in the body is found within the muscle tissue, which plays a crucial role in various physiological functions and activities. This substantial presence of protein in muscles is vital for maintaining strength, endurance, and overall mobility. The remaining protein is distributed throughout various organs, including the liver, kidneys, heart, and brain, where it performs essential roles in cellular structure, enzyme function, and hormonal regulation. The dynamic nature of protein metabolism is significant; proteins are continually subjected to a process of breakdown and reconstruction, a phenomenon known as protein turnover. This ongoing cycle involves the degradation of old or damaged proteins into amino acids, which are then reused to synthesize new proteins that are critical for growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues. This process is influenced by several factors, including physical activity, dietary intake, hormonal levels, and overall health status. As such, understanding the role of protein in muscle and organ function is essential for appreciating how our bodies sustain themselves and adapt to various demands placed upon them.



Fats, known as lipids, are required for every physiological system in the body. Lipids provide energy and transfer fat-soluble vitamins plus other healthy processes within the body. Although we associate fat with an unhealthy diet, getting enough of the right kind of fat is just as essential as cutting back on bad fats. Reducing meat, significantly red meat, can help reduce our fat intake. Being mindful of products that are high in saturated fat and have a high total fat count allows you to avoid increasing calories from fat.

The advised daily caloric intake from fat should be between 20% and 35%. As nearly all foods contain some fat, a typical diet generally supplies adequate essential fats. By minimizing the consumption of trans fats, saturated fats, and cholesterol, one can effectively reduce fat intake while still obtaining necessary essential fats.


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